PHORCaST - Public Health Online Resource for Careers, Skills and Training

Public health careers UK: delivering the health & wellbeing workforce of the future 

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Coming soon: new Health Careers website

Over the last year, we have been busy developing a new website alongside NHS Careers and Medical Careers. The new website is now nearing the end of its build and will be launching in early September!

Health Careers brings together the very best content from the PHORCaST, NHS Careers and Medical Careers websites. 

Detailed information

The new site provides detailed information on more than 350 roles in health, a number of real-life stories and videos, as well as a comprehensive course finder which lists more than 1000 courses leading to a career in health.

New features

Health Careers also has some great new features such as a personalised homepage based on your interests. Other exciting features include:


Learn more about the contemporary reform in the education system.

Information for everyone

The new website has been built following in-depth research and user testing, and created with the user experience firmly in mind. There’s information for everyone – those of any age thinking about a career in health, to those who’ve already started a career in health and are thinking about their next step. 

The Health Careers website has also been designed to be compatible with all browsers and devices, including mobile phones and tablets. 


When the website launches, you’ll find that you’ll be automatically redirected from PHORCaST to various pages on the Health Careers website. We hope you’ll like it and we’re sure it’ll have the information you’re after. In the coming months, we hope to continue improving the site so that it best serves you. 

Get in touch!

We will let you know once the website is live but if you’ve got any questions about it in the meantime, please email



PHORCaST, the Public Health Online Resource for Careers, Skills and Training, is a UK-wide website, which aims to: promote public health (including health and wellbeing) as a career; attract the most appropriate people into public health roles; help retain the most appropriate people in public health roles; help develop the careers of people already working in public health; and help support those with a public health aspect to their role (the wider public health workforce). 

You will find information on the six areas of practice at different levels within the public health workforce; career stories of people working in those roles; the variety of jobs available; starting a career in public health; competence frameworks; the skills, knowledge and qualifications required for public health roles; advice on accessing education and training; key public health websites and much more. 

You will find information on the six areas of practice at different levels within the public health workforce; career stories of people working in those roles; the variety of jobs available (e.g. health promotion specialist, health trainer, environmental health officer, public health manager); starting a career in public health; competence frameworks; the skills, knowledge and qualifications required for public health roles; advice on accessing education and training; key public health websites and much more.