Key Public Health links
Should you wish to consult key national documents concerning broad strategy and policy, please see the section 'Public Health: Everybody's Business'.
There are a large number of useful resources on the web concerning all aspects of public health. They have been listed under the following categories:
General Public Health Websites
Alcohol and Drugs
Behaviour Change
Evidence - using and accessing
Health Inequalities
Health Promotion and Improvement
Health Protection
Healthy Ageing
Mental Health
NHS Modernisation
Nutrition and dietetics
Project funding
Public Health Intelligence
Regional Teaching, Learning and Development (England)
Sexual Health
In addition:
NHS Networks
There are more than 600 NHS Networks for many aspects of public health, which can be accessed by registering on the NHS Networks website. These are free resources dedicated to help people get together to share ideas and improve the health service for all those who work in and use it.
Public Health Commissioning Network
The Public Health Commissioning Network (PHCN) puts people involved in commissioning in touch with one another to help share problems and their solutions. We do this through a comprehensive Directory of members’ interests and contact details, a monthly newsletter with a lively ‘swapshop’ of problems, and a Casebook of valuable or challenging professional experiences and projects. Membership is free and open to anyone involved in public sector health and health care commissioning in England.
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Toolkit
Joint strategic needs assesments (JSNAs) have been a statutory requirement since April 2008. Local councils and primary care trusts (PCTs) are expected to work together to identify the current and future health and wellbeing needs of a local population through the JSNA process. The coalition government has signalled an ongoing and central role for JSNAs in the NHS White Paper, 'Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS'. Health and wellbeing boards, convened by local authorities, will be responsible for leading the JSNA process.
NHS Nottingham City Knowledge Resources
The Knowledge Resources team, based at Aspect House, delivers library and information services to primary care staff working for NHS Nottingham City and the southern part of NHS Nottinghamshire County . In addition, other health and related professionals addressing the public health agenda from other key sectors, such as social care, education, the voluntary sector and youth and community services are entitled to register as members of the Resource Centre. The Knowledge Resources department is part of the Health Equality Directorate (Public Health) within NHS Nottingham City.
My Health Library
Connecting you with good quality health information on the internet.