Event details
New Public Health Service: a vision for a healthier nation
The Barbican, London 24th March 2011
The Public Health Service is changing, but are the proposed changes too much too soon?
PSCA are pleased to announce they will be holding a major conference on the new public health service and how services will be commissioned and run, with more local focus on services and a greater use of existing organisations, including GPs, Local Authorities and the voluntary sector
To create a healthier nation, the focus will be on behaviour change, driven by shared social responsibility rather than state regulation. The recent white paper 'Equity and excellence' pledges that the public health budget is to be ring-fenced, and a further white paper has set out the programme for public health reform.
The Public Health Service will integrate and streamline the existing bodies and functions with increased attention on research, analysis and evaluation. Current PCT responsibilities will transfer to local authorities, who will jointly appoint the Director of Public Health with the Public Health Service. This is a major change, of which local authorities in particular need to be informed.
The New Public Health Service: a vision for a healthier nation conference will examine and discuss how the new service will operate and what impact its policies and strategies will have on population health.
On the day we will be discussing the following subjects:
- How the public health white paper will impact on the future health of the nation's population
- What improvements can be anticipated in public health as local authorities play a more significant role
- Eradicating health inequalities - How will the future public health policy tackle this age old issue
- With the creation of a dedicated public health department how effective will its policies be in improving the nations health?
- Achieving Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Health and Wellbeing Research and Development
Further details on the conference can be found on our events website here.
By attending the New Public Health Service Conference you will be able to gain an insight into the plans and proposed changes being put into place and you will also have the opportunity to meet and discuss these changes with colleagues and fellow professionals from across the health sector
Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has a vision of society working together to ensure that the whole of the population becomes healthier and lives longer. Public health issues have been put high on the Coalition's agenda with plans for a new 'Public Health Service', which is to be run by a sub-department within the Department of Health.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further details regarding the day
Best regards
Mike Agnew
Divisional Events Manager
PSCA International
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