Event details
8th Welsh Immunisation Conference
The Riverfront, Newport
A conference flier and booking form is available to download. The closing date for the submission of abstracts for poster presentations is 25 March 2011.
The Conference is for any health care workers involved with immunisation and will be of particular interest to Consultant Community Paediatricians, Hospital Paediatricians, Pharmacists, General Practitioners, District Nurses, Health Visitors, Practice Nurses, and School Nurses.
Presentations will include:
Lessons learnt from pneumococcal vaccination by Professor Ray Borrow, HPA Manchester
Vaccine safety by Dr Phillip Bryan, MHRA
Immunisation and the law by Richard Griffith, University of Swansea
Antipyretics and immunisation by Dr Paul Heath, St Georges's University London e-Learning experience by a speaker from Health Protection Scotland
Hot topics include:
Teenage vaccination Deprivation and uptake HPV Vaccinating babies
Submissions of poster presentations are welcome before 25th March 2011. Instructions for authors are available from
The venue is conveniently located just 5 minutes' walk from Newport Train Station and 5 minutes drive from M4 with NCP parking nearby.
The Conference is aimed at Health Professionals involved in immunisation. The conference fee is £10 and includes refreshments and lunch.
For full details, see the Public Health Wales website. If you have any queries, please telephone Richard lewis on 02920 402 474 or email
VenueThe Riverfront Theatre & Arts Centre, Newport. NP20 1HG.