Event details
Sports Nutrition: Innovative research and strategies for all
Wednesday 23 March 2011
Venue: Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, LONDON, W1G 0AE
9.30 am
Registration, tea and coffee
10.00 am
Welcome and Introduction
Mr James Collins, Nutritionist, Arsenal Football Club and Performance Nutrition Limited
Session 1: Diet, exercise and health
Chair: Professor Clyde Williams, Emeritus Professor of Sports Science, Loughborough University
10.05 am
London 2012: The legacy for improving health
Dr Richard Budgett, Chief Medical Officer, London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games
10.35 am
The impact of nutrition on the adaptive response to exercise in health and disease
Professor Luc Van Loon, Professor of Physiology of Exercise, Maastricht University
11.05 am
Immunosuppression in sport and life; how can nutrition help?
Professor Mike Gleeson, Professor of Exercise Biochemistry, Loughborough University
11.35 am
11.55 pm
Session 2: Nutrition and Performance
Chair: Professor Ron Maughan, Professor of Sport and Exercise Nutrition, Loughborough University
12.55 pm
An International Olympic Committee (IOC) perspective
Professor Ron Maughan, Professor of Sport and Exercise Nutrition, Loughborough University
1.25 pm
Macronutrient intake and recovery
Professor Asker Jeukendrup, Professor of Exercise Metabolism, University of Birmingham
1.55 pm
Muscular adaptation; the training, nutrition and molecular mechanisms
Professor Stuart Phillips, Professor of Kinesiology and Medicine (Cell Biology & Metabolism), McMaster University
2.25 pm
Hydration; does one size fit all?
Dr Susan Shirreffs, Reader, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University
2.55 am
3.15 am
Tea and coffee break
Session 3: Applied Sports Nutrition
Chair: Professor Clyde Williams, Emeritus Professor of Sports Science, Loughborough University
3.45 pm
Biomarkers in applied sports nutrition
Mr Nathan Lewis, Senior Performance Nutritionist, English Institute of Sport
4.15 pm
Key considerations of bringing a sports nutrition product to market
Dr Kay O'Donnell, VP Global Innovations, GlaxoSmithKline
4.45 pm
Closing remarks and completion of evaluation forms
5.05 pm
Close of meeting
Meeting ref: FHB05
CPD: 5 credits
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