Event details
Nipping it in the bud: Conflict management skills for line managers
Location: The Albany Learning & Conference Centre, Glasgow
Who should attend?
- Any line manager who may have to resolve conflicts between employees.
- Human Resource officers who may have to advise line managers dealing with conflict.
The aim of this training course is to provide managers with the skills and confidence
necessary to deal with conflict in the workplace.
Employers are now required to try to resolve problems in the workplace at the earliest possible opportunity and use less formal means in the process. Such early intervention should save employers time, money and disruption to their business operations. The responsibility for this will inevitably fall on the first line manager who will be the first to become aware of conflicts in workplace.
The Employment Act 2008, which covers amongst other things dealing with discipline and grievance issues, places a legal obligation on employers to ensure that they have in place mechanisms to avoid the escalation of disputes to employment tribunal levels.
The ACAS Code of Practice and Guidance on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures sets out the guidance for employers and employees on how to achieve reasonable standards of behaviour. This recommends that problems should be addressed before they become disciplinary or grievance issues and that line managers should undergo training in conflict management skills so that they can intervene in suspected conflict between employees.
Our experience at Employee Counselling Service shows that ?conflict? is the biggest single work related reason for using the Counselling Service and yet managers often receive no training in how to deal with what are often difficult and even delicate issues.
For more information about the course, to book a place and the costs, contact Nicky McCallum by phone on , or email
See also the NHSGGC website.