Event details
Mentor Training (Wales)
All Nations Centre, Cardiff
The workshop will be facilitated by Tim Sims
This interactive skills training session aims to:
- examine mentoring skills - types of questions, listening, goal-setting, progress measurement, feedback skills
- identify the mix of mentoring and coaching experience in the group and encourage the pooling of that experience
- plan the first mentoring conversation - establishing purpose, boundaries and timescales for mentoring conversations, and access , including phone and face-to-face
- discuss how to offer options and information from personal experience (without those being mentored feeling compelled to follow them) including information about ways of developing skill or creating/locating evidence of existing competence
The event is relevant for:
- All Assessors on the Public Health Practitioner Scheme
- All practitioners on the fast-track and support routes
- All Public Health Practitioners/ Workers
How to apply:
The event is free to attend*
To reserve a place complete and return a registration form
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis
(priority will be given to assessors)
Before the event:
- On receipt of registration forms individuals will be sent an email to confirm their place
For further information please contact or telephone .
Tim Sims is part of Fiona Reed Associates who undertake coaching and mentoring across the NHS in all four countries, and train acute, primary, tertiary, mental and public health practitioners in those skills. They also train a large number of teachers and lecturers. They currently work with practitioners from 74 NHS Trusts. Tim has also started action learning work on Public Health issues in Wales with practitioners who have research interests. He lives in North Wales.
*Failure to attend without 48 hours notice will result in an administration fee of £45 per delegate.