Event details
Healthcare efficiency through technology
The Audit Commission has published a report on the financial performance of PCTs, NHS trusts and SHAs in 2010/11.
The findings were presented in context of the £20bn efficiency target, set in order to cope with increasing demand for services and financial pressures, as well as the requirement for every NHS organisation to engage with the Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Programme.
The report concluded that organisations have made good progress, saving a total of £4.3bn for the year.
However, the authors have warned that 23% of these were achieved non-recurrently and, in the coming years, more determined effort will be required to meet the overall target - through recurrent savings and despite lower average cash funding increases for PCTs (3.3% less year-on-year) - while maintaining the highest quality of services. Commenting on these findings, Jo Webber, NHS Confederation deputy director of policy, said:
"With tighter finances, it will be harder to maintain the progress we have made on the quality of care and getting our books in order. It will require NHS trusts and commissioners to look at doing things differently, and more efficiently"
You will learn how to achieve this at HEALTHCARE EFFICIENCY THROUGH TECHNOLOGY EXPO on 4 Oct in London.
This MAJOR NATIONAL EVENT will play host to over 2600 professionals who have already registered to attend, including senior DH staff, Directors of NHS Trusts, IM&T managers, clinical commissioning heads, clinicians and community care officers.
There, you will have the opportunity to meet with policy makers and implementers, leading think-tanks, not-for-profits and industry suppliers to discuss and demonstrate how innovation and technology can help NHS organisations overcome efficiency challenges, enable closer collaboration between stakeholders, and improve quality and patient outcomes.
At the FREE CONFERENCE, much attention will be given to topics such as identifying and adopting technologies to cost-effectively deliver improved patient outcomes, commissioning for quality and innovation, integration of care between health and social services, empowering patients to take greater control over their care and enabling clinical leadership. Speakers include:
- Dr Mohamed Dewji, National Clinical Lead QIPP (Primary Care), Department of Health
- Bob Alexander, Director of NHS Finance, Department of Health
- Colin Callow, Lead Associate, Innovation and Design, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
- Ronnette Lucraft, Chief Operating Officer, NHS Direct
- Dr Michael Dixon, Chair, NHS Alliance
- John Thornbury, Director of ICT Services, Worcestershire Royal Hospitals
- ?and more - for the FULL LIST of speakers ? please CLICK HERE
You will also be able to participate in FREE SEMINAR DISCUSSIONS, where you will hear, and have the opportunity to ask questions about:
- Using technology to meet the NHS challenge - Organised by NHS Networks
- Leveraging Hospital information infrastructure to improve efficiency and reduce cost - Sponsored by Hitachi Data Systems
- Developing Solutions for a Health Care Community ? Sponsored by ALERT Life Sciences Computing UK
- Re-think Print: Implementing an efficient print management strategy to reduce cost, waste and environmental impacts ? Sponsored by Kyocera Mita (UK) Ltd
- Telehealth, Telecare and Assistive Technology
- Information Governance - Organised by the National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care
- ?and more ? to see the FULL LIST of seminars - CLICK HERE
In addition to the conference and seminars, you will also have the opportunity to meet over 100 LEADING TECHNOLOGY PROVIDERS who will showcase, and demonstrate, how innovative products and services designed to help the NHS overcome efficiency challenges, whilst improving healthcare services and patient outcomes.
With so many free activities, you will leave the event informed, inspired and with at least one new and innovative way to work more efficiently and effectively.
I look forward to welcoming you there on October 4th.
Yours sincerely,
Phillip Whitman
Healthcare Efficiency through Technology Expo