Event details
Assets for health and wellbeing across the life course: international conference
26-27 September
British Library, London
Asset based approaches are concerned with identifying the protective factors that create health and well-being. They offer the potential to enhance both the quality and longevity of life through focusing on the resources that promote the self-esteem and coping abilities of individuals and communities.
Drawing on concepts that include salutogensis, resilience and social capital, asset approaches create the potential for unlocking some of the existing barriers to effective action on health inequities, so far characterised by more risk-based or deficit approaches.
Following the successful first symposium, held in Seville 2010, which focused on young people and youth health, the aim of this conference is to increase the dialogue between public health, health policy, health practitioners, commissioners, social care, the voluntary sector and the research community on key issues relating to health assets across the life course.
The organisers welcome empirical and theoretical work that has been undertaken within an assets framework including work on children and youth, mid-life and older people. Contributions are particularly welcomed that address the following themes:
? Theory
? Research
? Measurement and evaluation
? Mapping of assets
? Policy and action
Potential contributors should submit an abstract of maximum 250 words for either a parallel paper session on inequalities or methods, or a poster on any topic addressed to the conference themes by Friday 24th June 2011.
It would be helpful if abstracts conformed to a traditional structure (where appropriate) of background, aims, methods, findings, conclusion. The word limit for all abstracts is 250 words.
Key Dates:
Abstract Submission (2nd CFP): 24th June 2011
Notification of abstract acceptance: 30th June 2011
Deadline for presenter registration: 8th July 2011
Conference email address:
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Conference Fee:
£195 (until 29th August 2011); £80 (concession rate for students/non-working - until 29th August 2011)
The conference committee is based at the University of Hertfordshire.