Event details
Global Health Education for Tomorrow's Doctors
The GMC has included a new learning outcome in Tomorrow's Doctors 2009: Discuss from a global perspective the determinants of health and disease and variations in health care delivery and medical practice. Most UK schools offer optional modules in this area but how it is addressed in the core curriculum is more variable. Medical student electives involve a high proportion of students leaving the UK to gain experience in other countries. There is longstanding concern about how well they are prepared for this and whether there is potential harm to both the students and their hosts. Doctors in training in the UK will encounter patients from many countries with varied cultures and disease patterns and work alongside colleagues whose basic professional education was completed in very different health care systems. This conference will give participants the opportunity to debate their understanding of global health education and how best to meet the key learning outcomes in their teaching.
The main purpose of the day is:
To exchange experiences of the participants in teaching and learning about global health
The learning objectives are:
Be aware of teaching on global health within the core curriculum of UK medical schools
Understand the principles of preparing students to undertake an elective in a country other than that of their own medical school
Consider obstacles to teaching about the impact of climate change and sustainable health care and how these can be overcome
Appreciate how to harness the interests of medical students in global health issues
Know how to introduce teaching on global health issues into existing curriculum modules
Visit the conference website here.