Event details
Crisis In Care and its Impact On All Our Futures
21 Nov 2011
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
House of Commons
Global Net 21 would like to invite you to a meeting in the House of Commons on Crisis in Care that is being hosted by Sarah Newton MP. It will take place on Monday November 21st at 6.30pm
You can find out more and register at http://www.meetup.com/21stCenturyNetwork/events/34661052/
Care both institutional and community is under scrutiny as never before not just because of revelations about inappropriate care and abuse but also because of fairness, cuts in public finance and changes in demography such as an ageing population. We often expect too much of professional care workers and pay them far too little. There is a crisis in care!
This is a problem that will face all of us for many years to come. The way we deliver care is probably unsustainable as demand increases year by year and as generations live longer. How can we ensure a fair society where there is care for all who need it?
The decisions we make now about care will influence all our lives in future years so this is a debate that we cannot afford to ignore.
Hosting this meeting will be Sarah Newton MP who is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Care. Sarah was Director of the International Longevity Centre in the UK - an international 'think and do tank' that works with policy makers across all sectors to develop pragmatic and positive responses to the ageing population. In the 1990s she was a Director of Age Concern England - before turning her attention to building awareness of the issues affecting older people and their families. Also speaking will be,
Francesca West is The Policy Directorof Public Concern at Work. Francesca?s role includes delivering the charity?s campaigns through policy advocacy, lobbying and media relations. Francesca is a senior adviser on the helpline and provides training and consultancy services at high level to subscribers and clients. Francesca was called to the Bar in 2005 and has since cross-qualified as a solicitor.
John Waters is the Research and Evaluation Lead at In Control and has worked in social care for 23 years starting work as a care assistant in a home for older people he trained as a social worker in the early 1990s and worked in a range of practice, management and commissioning roles. John's work on self-assessment and resource allocations were some of the key innovations emerging from In Control's first phase of work. As In Control's technical lead, John has helped local authorities understand and solve key systems challenges they face when adopting self-directed support. John has also led In Control's research and evaluation programme and his work is featured in 'Personal Budgets: checking the results' a supporting paper for the recently published 'Think Local, Act Personal: Next steps for transformation of Adult Social Care'.
In Control is a national charity. Their mission is to create a fairer society where everyone needing additional support has the right, responsibility and freedom to control that support.
All Party Parliamentary Groups are groupings in Parliament of parliamentarians from all political parties. APPGs include members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. They have no formal place in the legislature, but are an effective way of bringing together parliamentarians and interested parties. Because they do this they can have significant influence.