Event details
HEPA Europe Symposium and Annual Meeting 2012
Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th September 2012
Cardiff Millennium Stadium
Using the ?green? environment to promote physical activity - pitches, parks, playing fields, woodlands, countryside, farms, gardens and urban greenspace.
Human beings are genetically predisposed to be physically active. Children naturally gravitate to green spaces to climb trees, play hide & seek, build dens, fly kites and play ball game. At the same time urban green spaces, parks, gardens and playing fields provide natural havens for sport, walking, cycling, gardening and other forms of ?green exercise?. And yet physical activity levels amongst children and adults are alarmingly low with increasing levels of obesity, overweight & diabetes. As urban green space is lost to developers, parks become havens for vandals and drug abusers, cars take over the streets, ?stranger danger? enters the language, outdoor activities are dominated by concerns over health & safety and children become ever more seduced by computer games and television; what is the future for outdoor activity and how can we optimise our natural resources to re-engage our communities in physical activity?
Announcement Flyer
Conference Proposal Document