Event details
NHS Sustainable Development 2012: Delivering the Sustainable Healthcare System
Govtoday is pleased to announce our Third Annual NHS Sustainable Development Conference and Exhibition; Delivering the Sustainable Healthcare System will be held at the prestigious Brewery Conference Centre on 14th February 2012.
NHS Sustainable Development 2012: Delivering the Sustainable Healthcare System will take stock of the NHS Sustainable Development Strategy, progress to date in the achievement of Carbon Reductions, whilst also identifying areas for concern, discussing the solutions sought and the challenges ahead in the creation of the Sustainable Healthcare System.
The current landscape for the NHS is one of uncertainty, facing unprecedented transformation and financial constraints placing an ever greater strain on current resources. The Sustainability agenda has now become an integral part of healthcare operations focusing on social, environmental and economic development which will assist the transformation process and achievement of economic efficiencies and a reduction of the £563 million annual energy bill.
With much publicity surrounding the Government?s commitment to become the ?Greenest Government ever? and the shift to a low carbon economy much emphasis is being placed upon the Sustainable Development Agenda. In May 2010 the Prime Minister David Cameron challenged Whitehall to reduce its carbon emissions by 10 per cent by May 2011, the results show an impressive turnaround with an average reduction of 13.8 per cent equalling a saving of 103,316tCO2.
In January 2010, the NHS Sustainable Development Unit published the Update to the ?NHS Carbon Reduction Strategy for England? outlining essential new information and additional tools for NHS organisations to reduce carbon emissions and become more sustainable. Worryingly highlighted within the update was the figure of 21 million tonnes per year, the size that the NHS England carbon footprint has risen too, including a three million tonnes rise since the previous footprint had been calculated.
Some of these rises can be attributed to the growth of NHS services and the reporting of CO2 emissions as CO2e to factor in all six greenhouse gases but the figures speak for themselves and indicate the work that needs to be done to meet the target of a 10 per cent reduction in emissions by 2015 and secure the saving of 3 MtCO2e.
NHS Sustainable Development 2012: Delivering the Sustainable Healthcare System will provide the latest policy up-dates, data an analysis on the challenge at hand, providing a platform to discuss and hear from the leading lights within the Sustainable Development field.
For more information, see the GovToday website.