Event details
Communication CPD Event
10th May 2012
The Interchange, Old Colwyn Bay
This will be led by Chris Lines (Director of Communications, Public Health Wales)
The session will have the following learning outcomes:
- Consider communication and how it is defined in relation to social marketing and engagement
- The role of communication in collaborative working
- The media, how it works and its effect on public perceptions, including health
- Introduction to risk communication
- Consider what is news
- Consider the need for specific communication skills in:
- Writing press releases
- Responding to media enquiries
- Conducting media interviews
- Making presentations
Contributing to PHP Standards- 9e, 9f, 9h, 12
The event is relevant for:
The CPD session is aimed primarily at public health practitioners in Wales. Practitioners may work in Public Health Wales, NHS Wales, local government or the third sector.
How to apply:
The event is free to attend (but failure to attend without 48 hours' notice will result in an administration fee of £45 per delegate).
Places are limited and will be allocated on a ?first come first served? basis
For further information please contact or telephone .
Before the event:
On receipt of registration forms individuals will be sent an email to confirm their place; joining instructions will also be provided. Delegates will be expected to complete a pre-workshop activity; details of which will be sent in advance of the workshop.