Event details
Service Reviews and Needs Assessment Training- North Wales
6 June 2012 (1030-1530) ? (Venue TBC) Bangor/Mold
Delivered by Dr Rob Atenstaedt, Dr Michael Thomas, Siobhan Jones, and Professor Rhiannon Tudor Edwards
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the day, delegates will have an understanding of the principles, terminology and methodology for conducting service reviews and needs assessments, including a health economics perspective and should be able to:
- Develop a framework for reviewing a service delivery
- Conduct a literature review
- Identify evidence of best practice
- Conduct a healthcare needs assessment drawing on epidemiological, corporate and comparative information
- Use this information to identify problems and produce a strategy aimed at delivering change
- Act as a source of advice to current local planning
The event is relevant for:
- Public health consultants and specialists
- Specialty Registrars
- Public health practitioners and managers
- Local authority and health board colleagues
How to apply:
- Complete and return a registration form to register
- The event is free to attend (Failure to attend without 48 hours notice will result in an administration fee of £45 per delegate)
- Places will be allocated on a ?first come first served? basis
Before the event:
On receipt of registration forms individuals will be sent an email to confirm their place and joining instructions will be provided .
For further information contact or .